17 May 2006

laziness is counter-revolutionary

I don't think I've ever been this productive on vacation. Or while living in Wisconsin. Or possibly ever. I won't bore you with all the details, I'll just give you highlights.

First of all, I've applied for 10 jobs so far, which puts me at 10% of my goal for this vacation. If I apply for 100 jobs, I'm sure to get at least 2 or 3 interviews, right?

(I've been sitting at 3 Hats Coffee in Hudson since 7 am. My friend Meghan works here, and they have free wireless, so I'll probably spend the majority of my vacation here. I'm not applying to 90 more jobs on my parents' dial-up connection. Anyway, the point is, I've been sitting here for hours, and finally some moderately attractive guys have arrived. They have tattoos and they're sitting right in front of me; they're also about 10 or 15 years older than me, so... I guess that's that.)

Second, I finished re-reading The Polysyllabic Spree, by Nick Hornby. The book is a collection of fourteen months of essays Hornby wrote for The Believer magazine about which books he bought and which books he actually read. That's such a shit description; the book is about the experience of reading, about buying more books than you know you'll ever have time to read, about which books you do read and why you choose them over all the others. I'm really happy I reread it; on the original read and on the second go round, it has pushed me to think more about reading and to put more effort into finding time to read. Okay, I haven't actually found more time to read yet, but I'm confident I will. I just started Sammy's Hill by Kristen Gore, which should be a nice break before I start on my list of Books That I Should Have Read By Now.

I've done other things, including going on a bike ride (which was preceded by pumping the tires on my dad's bike as well as re-learning how to change gears) and... there was something else, I swear. Right now, I'm going to go back to applying for jobs.

1 comment:

  1. Buying more books than you'll ever have time to read...let's see, I have stacks of books everywhere, boxes of books in the basement, six bookshelves full of books...But I did go through them and found six to donote to the library. Hard parting with them...even thought they were all duplicates...
