23 May 2006

questions are decadent

Okay, so I haven’t been so good at writing every day. That’s all right; it means I have something to work on. I’ve done very well at giving myself projects to feel busy, but I need to work harder at actually staying busy. Or actually getting things done. Whatever, it’s all semantics.

Lucy, one of my cats, has the most plaintive meow; she sounds like the saddest cat in the world whenever she makes a noise. Sasha doesn’t make any noise at all, and Lucy and Frank sound like they’re being tortured, or maybe just consciously ignored.

Oh wow, this is the best website ever. No wonder I’m so popular; complaining about finding a job and talking about my cats. I mean, the cat thing is just clichéd. Oh, speaking of my cats, they go in and out of the house at least 43 times a day, and whenever one goes out, another one comes in. It’s like they’re maintaining some sort of feline equilibrium.

Yeah, I’m beyond clichéd.

The job search is going okay in the sense that I’ve applied for… five more jobs, including one that I’m actually really excited about. I had to submit a writing sample and everything; I’m hoping that I’ll at least get an interview; it’s frustrating because I haven’t gotten any feedback. Although I guess that’s not completely true; I do have an interview at another company on the day that I get back.

I’m going to work with my mom tomorrow. She works in Minneapolis, so I’m going to find a café (hopefully with free wireless) and apply for jobs and generally get things done. Or I’ll fuck around on the internet and generally waste time. Whatever, it’s all semantics.


  1. Oh, so now dial up isn't good enough for you, with your fancy-schmancy degree and NYC address?! Just remember where you come from, my dear!

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
