01 August 2006

the cw: be free to suck ass

It is ungodly hot right now. Despite the fact that my financial situation is tenuous at best, I'm totally fine with the fact that the AC has been running constantly for the past two days. It is in the triple fucking digits! What the fuck? I was planning on finishing a bunch of research today for my meeting with my favorite professor in the world tomorrow, but I can't handle the idea of thinking. It's too hot to think! My computer is running slow; I'm not even mad because it's probably just too hot to process anything normally. I'm sleeping on the floor of the living room tonight; that's where the magic cool machine is. I have so many things to do, rather so many things I wanted to do during my vacation, but it's just too fucking hot!

I've been dreaming of living in Europe, not that it would help me escape the heat. Anything that involves not being here, in this place that makes me hot and sweaty and confused. What if I got my masters degree in Europe? Maybe the Anglo-American College or Masaryk University, or maybe even Charles University. Anything that will get me to the CZ. I'm just too tired to deal with life in New York, but I can feel myself moving towards a decision, and now I just feel like if the heat abates just a little bit, I might be able to think clearly enough to decide what I really want.

1 comment:

  1. You could escape th eheat by moving to Germany, where the weather mostly sucks, but not in a hot way.
