16 April 2006

lessons, continued

More Things I've Learned This Weekend

I talk a lot when I'm nervous.

I suck at first dates. Meeting new people makes me nervous, so I talk a lot, and if the boy in question is actually interesting, I talk so much that he gets scared and runs away.

Oh yeah, that's right--boys run away from me. I don't know why. It wasn't always that way, but at some point in the past month, I started scaring the boys.

Abram is leaving. All of those weekends when I was busy with homework or too broke to pay $25 to take the train to see him? Stupid, stupid decisions. Should've just visited him, because now he's moving to San Diego, and I'll have to save up hundreds of dollars to take the JetBlue to see him. Fuck.

No matter how much homework I do, I'm still totally fucked when it gets to finals. The next two or three weeks are going to consist entirely of studying and writing papers and if I have any time, applying for jobs at NYU and Columbia.

I need a job.

Abram is moving. Dammit.

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