21 August 2007

Books That I Bought In Buenos Aires

Inspired by Jeb

Rayuela Julio Cortázar

El Socialismo Latinoamericano: Un Recorrido Hasta Nuestros Tiempos, ed. Claudia Korol
Nación y nacionalismo en Latinoamérica, ed. Jorge Enrique González
Neoliberalismo y sectores dominantes, eds. Eduardo M. Basualdo & Enrique Arceo
Reforma Financiera en América Latina, eds. Eugenia Correa & Alicia Girón

la américa latina y los congresos del partido comunista ruso, Víctor Alba [1960s?]
los EE.UU. y América Latina, H.L. Matthews and K.H. Silvert [1963]

In case you were wondering, my Spanish skills are not nearly up to the task of reading all of these books (case in point: I'm not entirely sure of what "sectores dominantes" means--the literal translation is dominant sectors, but I think it might be more 'domestic sectors'), but hey, that'll just make things more interesting, right?

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